Notice About Aftermarket Screen Replacements for iPhone 13 Pro Series

We at iFlex Mobile Repair are excited to offer aftermarket screen replacements for the iPhone 13 Pro series. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction drives us to be transparent about the parts we use.

Key Difference in Aftermarket Screens:

  • Increased Thickness: The aftermarket screens we use for the iPhone 13 Pro series are approximately 1.2 mm thicker on average than the original Apple screens. This difference is noticeable and primarily affects the physical profile of the phone rather than its functionality.

Despite this difference, these aftermarket screens are carefully selected for their quality and reliability, ensuring they meet our high standards. Choosing an aftermarket screen offers a cost-effective repair solution without compromising on performance.

We understand that this change might be significant for some of our customers. Our team is here to address any concerns and provide all the information you need to make an informed choice. Your trust in our services is our utmost priority, and we’re dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in our repairs.

Exciting Update Coming in February 2024: Glass-Only Repairs for iPhone 13 Pro Series

We have some thrilling news for our iFlex Mobile Repair community! Starting in 2024, we will be expanding our repair services to include glass-only repairs for the iPhone 13 Pro series. This new offering means that if your iPhone’s OLED display is still functional, but the glass is cracked or damaged, we can replace just the glass component. This service maintains the original OLED display, ensuring the top-notch visual quality you’re accustomed to, while providing a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly repair solution.

Keep in mind that this service will be available as long as the OLED display is functional and undamaged. We’re excited to bring this advanced repair technique to our customers, offering yet another way to keep your devices in top condition.

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the launch of this new service!